
» Home » Products » Amusement project customized » Magic indoor playground smash ball interactive wall projection game

Magic indoor playground smash ball interactive wall projection game

Interactive projection technology,desktop interactive projection technology,wall interactive projection technology.Specific interactive presentation methods include water ripple interaction, flip interaction, collision interaction, erase interaction,avoidance interaction, followup interaction and the like.The experiencer performs a perfect active interactive experience through the seamless interaction of the body's limb movements with interactive projection techniques.Whether it is visually or physically, or emotionally, it brings an unprecedented new interactive experience of the new human and machine.Through the Interactive smashing ball projection game you can interact more deeply with your child.In addition,our game is updated very fast, so people’s passion for this game will last for a long time.Our game is very flexible in design, it can be customized according to the holiday, customer needs, so it is very beneficial to gather people's popularity and increase profits for merchant.

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Tel:+86 577 86007273


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Interactive projection technology,desktop interactive projection technology,wall interactive projection technology.

Specific interactive presentation methods include water ripple interaction, flip interaction, collision interaction, 

erase interaction, avoidance interaction, followup interaction and the like.The experiencer performs a perfect 

active interactive experience through the seamless interaction of the body's limb movements with interactive 

projection techniques.Whether it is visually or physically, or emotionally, it brings an unprecedented new interactive 

experience of the new human and machine.

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