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Fire awareness is very important, indoor children's park staff also need to master fire knowledge

Indoor children's park as a public place for children to play, safety has always been a concern of parents, especially to the holidays and weekends, summer vacation, bustling indoor amusement park is full of children;
Children's ability to protect themselves is very weak, so, the business staff of children's park must do safety measures, for indoor park, fire prevention measures must be very strictly executed, business staff should also have certain fire knowledge, to ensure that children play safely.
So, indoor amusement park must fire fire common sense what?
1. The staff should "understand four meetings"
Understand: understand the fire hazard of the post;
Knowledge of fire prevention measures;
Know how to fight fire;
Know how to escape.
Four meetings: will call the police;
Will fight the initial fire;
Organize evacuation;
Be able to use fire equipment.

2. Site selection: avoid high floors and underground places
According to the national regulations, children's entertainment places should be set in the mall one to three floors, prohibited in the underground mall or four floors above, and children's entertainment places safety exit should not be less than two, so as to have an independent entrance.
3. Product materials shall be environmentally safe
In the case of fire, a large amount of toxic smoke produced by combustible materials is the main cause of death caused by asphyxiation.
Accordingly, all sorts of material that recreational establishment USES must be noncombustible, noncombustible material or the combustible material after passing flame-retardant treatment.
4, fire equipment to be ready
The park should be equipped with adequate fire equipment, including fire extinguishers, emergency lights and evacuation signs.
If the amusement machine has smoke or burning smell, should be immediately cut off.
Electrical wiring must meet the standard requirements, through the pipe in place, the use of high-power electrical appliances, and fuel to maintain sufficient distance.
5. Conduct regular fire knowledge training and drills
Formulate practical and feasible emergency evacuation plan, and regularly conduct fire protection knowledge training and organize drills for the operating staff of the children's park;
In addition, the children's park evacuation channel should be kept open at all times.
Do safety protection measures in advance, in order to nip in the bud;
The details of any security breach are not to be missed.